Data Transfer Tool
System Requirements
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This tool supports the efficient and parallel transfer of large data sets from a ZLE Data Store to an analytical server for analysis in SAS Enterprise Miner. The tool, provides an intuitive and convenient web browser interface for transferring a table from a ZLE Data Store directly into a SAS data set on an analytical server.


Data Transfer Tool provides following features:

  • Ability to transfer the data on various flavors of UNIX and Windows
  • Ability to specify the format in which the data is transferred a.k.a. the
    ASCII file (delimited or CSV, Fixed Width Format), the SAS dataset
  • Ability to Schedule the execution and monitor of an actual data transfer
  • Ability to verify that sufficient disk space exists on the destination
    machine before the transfer begins
  • Ability to preview the first n (e.g. 100) rows
  • Ability to compress the data before transferring over the network
  • Ability to detect errors using check sum, to assure that the data was
    transferred successfully without errors.

System Requirements

The system and software requirements for each of the four components of the Data Transfer Tool are described below.

Client Workstation

  • Internet Explorer 5.5 (or higher).

The tool should work with other browsers as well, though, since the web server component returns only HTML to a client browser for display. In other words, no browser support for JavaScript or anything other than HTML is required.

Web Server

  • Operating System: Windows NT/2000, HP Tru64 Unix
  • Web Server: Apache Tomcat, Version 4.0 or higher on Windows platforms and 1.1 or higher on Tru64 platforms
  • Java Runtime Environment: Version 1.4.0 or higher

This layer could run on the Mining Mart server itself. This is not a necessity. The Web Server accesses the ZDS using JDBC. If the Web server resides on Windows NT/2000, it accesses ZDS using JDBC ODBC (Type 1) driver, if the Web Server resides on Alpha-Tru64, it accesses the ZDS using JDBC Type 3 driver.

Mining Mart

  • Operating System: Windows NT/2000, HP Tru64 Unix.


HP NonStop™ Server

  • NonStop™ SQL/MX version 1.5 or higher

JDBC/MX server (needed only when a Tru64 web server platform is used)
NonStop™ Himalaya system, on which a NonStop™ SQL/MX ZLE ZDS resides. The servers on the Himalaya system communicate with the Servers residing on the Mining Mart (handling Transfer functionality) using TCP/IP.
